18 May 2015

Bunk beds, and why kids should share a bedroom

There seems to be a baby boom going on amongst my friends at the moment, and a lot of them are already on their second or third child.
This also means that some of them are outgrowing their houses, meaning they have to be a bit more creative with the lack of space.

Many parents think their children should have one bedroom each, and I completely agree with that – at least once the children are a bit more grown up. But whilst they’re still young they probably won’t mind sharing a bedroom with their sibling, and in my opinion this is a nothing but a good experience. Children who share a bedroom will learn how to share toys, and will learn to respect their sibling.

Myself and my little sister, who is 2.5 years younger than me, shared a bedroom when we were little, and I didn’t move into my own room until I was about to turn 7. It was not that I was afraid of sleeping alone or anything, but it was just so lovely having that sisterly bond. 

We used to have the coolest bunk bed, similar to the one above from Room to Grow, painted in lilac and with curtains for the lower bunk. We would lay there on a night and whisper and giggle, and sing all the Disney songs we knew. Oh, memories! 

Nowadays, more than 20 years later (God, I'm getting old!) there are so many more options when it comes to bunk beds, and parents can be really creative with their kids' shared bedroom. There are bunk beds with a corner angle, with an extra trundle bed underneath for additional night guests, with built-in desks and drawers, and even themed bunk beds of all kinds!  

 I mean, who wouldn't want an awesome London bus bunk bed to sleep in?!
Can I get one in grown up size? ;)

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