Showing posts with label garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label garden. Show all posts

2 September 2016

The houseplant that tugs on your heart strings

Did you know that there is a houseplant that tugs on your heart strings?
According to, the houseplant of the month for September is hanging plants, and one of them is Ceropegia Woodii which also goes under the nickname of String of Hearts - very suitable thinking about the appearance of it.
The simple but beautiful heart shaped leaves are intertwined with each other, and each vine can grow really long - perfect for covering a bookcase or placing on a floating shelf on the wall where the plant can hang freely and drape your room in a stunning way.

The plant is one that I always used to see at my parents' house, and therefore it makes me think of my mum and her love for plants and home decoration. It's quite lovely when you think about it really... that this heart shaped plant makes me think of loved ones. It's like it brings family together, and it symbolises it with its hundreds of hearts tied together with string. 

I didn't just want to place this plant on its own in my window and just let it sit there... I wanted to let it symbolise the fact that love is the key to everything, as well as the feelings I have for near and dear ones. Since I'm living in a different country to my family it's important for me to have them around in other ways, and I collect photos, cards and other memorabilia that remind me of them. Therefore, I decided to style up this plant of the month in the loveliest way I could think of; tying together friends and family, and memories of love. 

Love is happy summer memories with friends, and being asked by a dear friend to be a bridesmaid at her wedding.

Love is cherishing your childhood friend's big wedding day, and seeing her genuinely happy face every day.

 Love is a beautiful handwritten letter from your soulmate.

 Love is sisters. The best friend and the closest person you will ever have in your life. The one you shared everything with whilst growing up, and the only one who knows all your secrets.

 Love is a piece of memorabilia that reminds you of a very special occasion.

Love is the announcement of a new family member, and a birthday card that has been carefully chosen based on your personality.

 Love is a good luck wish for a new job.

 Love is a wedding invitation, and a box full of happy memories.

Ceropegia Woodii, or String or Hearts, is native to the southern countries of Africa, but was actually named by a Swede when it was discovered. No one else than Carl Linnaeus to be precise. Back in school in Sweden we had to study his world of flowers when we were very young, and it's something I'll always remember.

Apart from reminding me of loved ones, what I really like about this hanging plant is its bizarre shape. I've never seen another plant quite like it. The colour and patterns of the leaves are quite mysterious looking, and the shape almost looks alien!
But the best thing about it is that it's a plant that is hard to kill - even for someone like me who have a tendency to forget to water plants for weeks!

I hope that you got inspired by my little DIY project, and that it tugged on your heart strings a little bit.
I would love to know how you tend to decorate with plants, and especially hanging plants, which just happens to be the houseplant of the month.

29 May 2015

5 essentials for the summer garden party

Barbeque season is finally here! I couldn’t be happier!
Summer is when people just liven up and find lots of energy, and we’re all about socialising with friends throughout the long, light evenings.
Below are my 5 top tips of garden essentials for those summer gatherings with friends and family.

First on the list, and probably the most important, is seating. But don’t worry if you don’t have enough tables and chairs - Be creative! 
Use old pallets, blankets and cushions and create a cosy bohemian picnic style.

Garden lighting
Who says your party has to stop when the sun finally sets? 
Make your gathering even longer by making sure you’ve got suitable lighting in the garden. 
Candles are great for a cosy atmosphere, but they don’t give off a lot of light. 
Why not opt for environmentally friendly solar lights? The above example is from the Konstsmide ground lighting collection at Scotlight Direct.

Even summer nights can get a bit chilly, so a chiminea is a great option if you want to keep yourself and your guests warm and toasty. 
You can let it burn all night, and even use it as a barbeque. 
Even when not in use, it works as a great accessory for your garden, as it’s got that kind of Mexican vibe to it. 
You can find them at most garden stores, including B&Q.

Alternative fridge
With lots of people around it also means lots of food and drinks, so your fridge is likely to fill up quickly. 
Avoid lukewarm drinks by creating an alternative fridge outside. 
This ice filled wheelbarrow is a really quirky idea, that will work wonders for your party!

It’s not a proper party without some funky beats! 
Invest in a portable speaker that you can control with Bluetooth through your phone. 
Just make sure you go for a model that has a long battery life and that is waterproof.

What are your top tips for a summer garden party?
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